In conversation this week, I was reminded about the importance of compiling your royal archives, remembering all the times God supplied the need, filled the void, bridged the gap in your life. When His provision filled what was lacking or rebuilt what was broken.
Though what God is doing and directing in this chapter of life may not look or feel the same as it did when he answered your prayers in the last, it doesn’t mean he isn’t working all things for good. Though this temple may not look like the former, God is rebuilding and refining you in this stage. And all that you need has already been provided. Your royal treasury is limitless with supply. Grace, covered. Strength, bestowed. Direction, given. Healing, provided.
I sometimes struggle with the fact that partial obedience is completely disobedience to our father, knowing full well what He has called me to do but do only a portion, the portion that is easy, I often say I can’t get involved, knowing full well I can help, what if God said He can’t get involved by sending His son, where would my sorry busted self be